Intrauterine insemination fertility treatment can be a great option for families with unexplained infertility, mild male factor infertility, and patients using donor sperm.

Testing and monitoring

We conduct hormone assessments and imaging tests to determine the ideal time to perform the procedure. You will visit our clinic for ultrasound monitoring and blood work which will be reviewed by your physician.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area IUI Clinic

Ovulation induction

If you are not ovulating regularly, you will take medications to stimulate egg development. We plan your IUI procedure based on your hormone and ultrasound test results.

Natural ovulation

If you are ovulating regularly you and your physician may decide to do your IUI procedure during your ovulation. In this case, you will not take medications to induce ovulation and your procedure will occur on your most fertile day.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area IUI Clinic

Sperm washing

Sperm can be collected by a male partner or we can help you coordinate sperm donation from a sperm bank or from a known sperm donor. The sample is then washed and concentrated so only the healthiest motile (swimming) sperm are available.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area IUI Clinic

IUI procedure

You will come in for a quick procedure similar to a pap smear, where the washed and concentrated sperm are injected into the uterus at the time of ovulation. The goal of IUI is to get a high concentration of motile (swimming) sperm as close to the opening of the fallopian tubes as possible, at approximately the same time as the egg is released.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area IUI Clinic

Checking the results

After about two weeks, you’ll come back into our clinic for bloodwork to find out if you are pregnant.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area IUI Clinic
Personalized treatment plan

We recognize that everyone is different. We work closely with each patient, crafting individualized treatment plans that offer you the best chance of success.

Support and education

Our compassionate and knowledgeable care team will guide you through the entire process. We provide comprehensive orientation and injection classes where you will learn everything you need to know.