In vitro fertilization is performed in our state-of-the-art lab by our expert embryologists. Our care team will guide you through the entire process. We provide orientation and injection classes where you will learn everything you need to know.

Ovarian stimulation and monitoring

Our goal is to do everything possible to encourage the development of good quality eggs for retrieval. During a 10-14 day period, following your unique treatment plan, you will have self-administered hormone injections to stimulate your ovaries.You will visit our clinic 4-6 times for ultrasound monitoring and blood work which will be reviewed by your physician to make dose adjustments and ensure an optimal response.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area FET & IVF Clinic

Egg retrieval

On the day of your egg retrieval, you will meet with your entire care team, including your physician, anesthesiologist, nurse, and embryologist. During this minimally-invasive, same-day procedure your physician will retrieve eggs guided by an ultrasound. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes with our anesthesiologist ensuring your comfort. You will spend 1-2 hours in our recovery area and then head home.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area FET & IVF Clinic

Making the embryo

Fertilization is performed in our state-of-the-art lab by our expert embryologists in one of two ways: conventional insemination (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).  In IVF a single egg is surrounded by around 50,000 motile (swimming) sperm. With ICSI, the embryologist receives the eggs and selects one healthy sperm for injection directly into a mature egg.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area FET & IVF Clinic

Growing the embryo

At Collab Fertility, we know that the lab environment is critical to successful growth of healthy embryos. That’s why our lab uses the LifeAire® HVAC system, the most advanced air purification system able to eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other contaminants that can impair blastocyst embryo development. We also use independent chamber design incubators to precisely control temperature and gas levels allowing embryos to remain undisturbed as they develop into the blastocyst stage.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area FET & IVF Clinic

Genetic testing

IVF patients have the opportunity to test their embryos before transferring them. This process allows us to maximize the likelihood of success by carefully sampling a few cells from each embryo and testing them to see if they are chromosomally normal (PGT-A). We can also test embryos to diagnose a disease that one or both parents are known to carry (PGT-M). This test also tells us the biological sex of your embryo, but we can keep that a secret if you prefer. While those cells are being analyzed, your embryos are safely cryopreserved with us. Cryopreservation of embryos has been safely performed for over 30 years, and today almost all embryos survive with no negative effects on IVF outcomes.

We invest in cutting-edge equipment in our lab to ensure positive fertility outcomes for you

Embryo transfer

Embryo transfer is a simple technique performed by your physician. A long, thin catheter containing the agreed upon number of embryos, along with a small amount of fluid, is passed through the cervix into the uterus, where the embryo or embryos are released.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area FET & IVF Clinic

Checking if you are pregnant

About two weeks after the transfer, you’ll come back into our clinic for an ultrasound to find out if your embryo implanted successfully.

Walnut Creek & Bay Area FET & IVF Clinic
Personalized treatment plan

We recognize that everyone is different. We work closely with each patient, crafting individualized treatment plans that offer you the best chance of success.

Support and education

Our compassionate and knowledgeable care team will guide you through the entire process. We provide comprehensive orientation and injection classes where you will learn everything you need to know.